Wellington College has many policies to ensure the best possible care for children and the adults in our community.

Essential Policies:

In addition to these important documents on school operations, which are continually reviewed and updated, other WCI Pune policies are available for consultation upon request.

Internal Complaints Committee

Under Section 4 (1) of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, the Internal Committee (“IC”) is hereby constituted to address all matters and complaints concerning sexual harassment at the workplace arising in the premises of Wellington College International at the location Pune (“Workplace”).

The IC for the stated Workplace shall consist of the following members:

  • Ms. Katie Byrne - Presiding Officer
  • Ms. Anupama Joshi - Member
  • Ms. Neha Jamwal - Member
  • Adv. Sairekha Suresh - Lawyer – Cohere Consultants - External Member

Every employee must bring any matters or complaints concerning sexual harassment in the workplace to the immediate attention of the IC. Complaints can be submitted to on the designated email id - POSH@wellingtoncollege.in

Persons perpetrating sexual harassment at the workplace shall be dealt with strictly in accordance with the company policy and law and may even face disciplinary action.

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