Vital aspects of our mission at the School are to encourage pupils to try new things, to help them stay physically and intellectually healthy, and to guide them in the discovery of lifelong interests and opportunities for self-expression.

All these contribute enormously to the growth of truly rounded, balanced individuals, preparing them more fully for the world beyond Wellington. It is in the Activities Programme that many pupils find their passion and learn to develop new skills, be they intellectual, cultural or athletic.

Whether athletic or academic, a spirit of friendly competition is essential to personal growth by fostering a sense of pride in the Wellington community. This is the reason our calendar boasts of intramural, extramural, regional, and international competitions throughout the school year. Whether it is Sports, Foreign Language, Debating, or Mathematics, all our pupils will have every opportunity to build character and self-confidence by putting their skills and abilities to the test.

Quality education should not be confined to what is learned on campus. Hence, we will offer a plethora of educational excursions throughout the world. These activities push our students outside of their comfort zone, paying lasting dividends on their success in academics and life. Moreover, they cultivate curiosity, self-confidence, and leadership skills and make memories and lasting friendships.

By strongly encouraging all Wellingtonians to pursue their interests, we believe they will also become more independent both in terms of managing their own time and commitments, and developing the ability and confidence to follow their own goals without relying on others. If ever there is an opportunity to explore interests and opportunities or to develop character, the Enrichment Programme is it!

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Pupils walking across the Wellington quad
Admissions Overview
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