Seniors’ Academic Ethos and Objectives

The academic life of Wellington College International Pune (WCI Pune) is vibrant, demanding and progressive. We are proud of our teachers and ambitious for our seniors’ pupils. Our endeavours are guided by the core belief that acquiring a love of learning is vital to leading a personally fulfilled, socially engaged and professionally successful life.

With that in mind, our principal objectives are:

  • To inspire curiosity, creativity and compassion in our pupils,
  • To enrich their lives with the enjoyment and understanding of their global scientific, linguistic and cultural heritage, and
  • To empower our pupils with the knowledge, skills and independence of mind that will make them effective and responsible leaders of the world they will inherit.

Everything that we do is directed towards these aims and tested against them. We have high expectations of ourselves and of our pupils; and we insist that working hard and working intelligently must always be the basis of our success. We also know that learning is most rewarding in a community that is lively, co-operative, critical and, fundamentally, curious. To be such a community is our ultimate and perpetual challenge.

In collaboration with The Wellington College (Berkshire) we have developed the Wellington College Learner Profile which guides academic life at the College. The aim is for pupils to have developed the following habits by the time that they leave WCI Pune:

  • A curiosity to learn
  • Disciplined work habits
  • A positive attitude to collaboration and engagement
  • An ability to show independence and initiative
  • Well-developed research skills

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