Admissions Process

Step 1. Make an Enquiry

We will need you to make an enquiry – Enquire now , once the information is received by our admissions department, a member of the team will connect with you to make an appointment at a mutually convenient time to discuss and explore a “Wellington Education”.

In the interest of safety and security, an appointment is necessary.

Step 2. Register

Once you have visited Wellington College and met our staff, we know that you will want to make an application.  You will then be directed to our Admission Application form, which must be completed and received with all the required documents and the registration fee.

Once all the above has been received and we have a receipt of your bank transfer or payment, our Admissions Team will contact you to guide you through the next steps and arrange an assessment.

Step 3. Assessment

At Wellington College, we believe passionately in all-round education and therefore our assessment for entry considers the character, interests, talents, and personality of every individual child.

We are looking for boys and girls with potential to become intellectual, inspired and independent learners within an English-language environment. We want them to have the desire and ability to contribute broadly across the co-curriculum so they can develop fully as individuals.

An Assessment can be arranged once we have received an application registration form for your child together with the application registration fee. The procedure for each entry age group can be read in the school Admission policy document.

Please refer to the School grade placement equivalent chart below

WCI, Pune  India  USA  Age upon entry
Pre-Nursery Play Group  - 2  
Nursery Pre-Nursery / EY 1  - 3
Reception Class Junior Kg / EY 2  - 4
Year 1 Senior Kg / EY 3   Kindergarten  5
Year 2 Class 1   Grade 1  6
Year 3 Class 2   Grade 2  7
Year 4 Class 3   Grade 3  8
Year 5 Class 4   Grade 4  9
Year 6 Class 5   Grade 5  10
Year 7 Class 6   Grade 6  11
Year 8 Class 7   Grade 7  12
Year 9 Class 8   Grade 8  13
Year 10 Class 9   Grade 9  14
Year 11 Class 10   Grade 10  15
Year 12 Class 11   Grade 11  16
Year 13 Class 12   Grade 12  17

Step 4. Review

The Admissions and Academic Teams will review your application, the availability of a place in the appropriate class and year group, the results of the assessment and, if relevant, academic records from your child’s previous schools.

It is important that any special educational needs are disclosed at this stage and related documentation such as educational psychologist reports or Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are shared so that we can determine if Wellington College is able to provide appropriate additional support.

The decision on whether Wellington College is able to offer a place is communicated by email within ten working days of assessment.

Step 5: Letter of Offer

If successful, you will receive a Letter of Offer by email. This will detail the confirmed year group of entry, enrolment year and term as well as any specific terms of the offer.

You will be asked to accept this offer by signing an Acceptance of a Place Form and agreeing to the Terms and Conditions for Student Enrolment within 10 days of receipt of the letter.

Step 6: Welcome

Once the place has been accepted, the non-refundable admission registration fee, refundable security fee deposit together with the tuition fee are payable in advance. Once received, the Admissions Team will send a Welcome Package by email including orientation material and documentation that needs to be completed prior to enrolment (such as Medical Information, Uniform, Wellington Extra, Security Badge and Car Sticker forms).

New parents are invited to a Welcome Coffee Morning prior to the term of entry which is an excellent opportunity for you to meet other new parents, our Master, key academic leaders and the admissions team who will be more than happy to help you with anything you wish to ask from a parent perspective.

Step 7: Enrolment

Our Admissions Team will guide you through every step of the admissions and enrolment process up to the day your child starts his or her first day of school and ensuring that you feel informed, welcome, and excited about becoming part of the Wellington family.

You will also be introduced to our invaluable Parent Portal designed to provide easy access to all school information including the calendar, sports fixtures, events, signing up to clubs and activities, emails, social media, photos and video, school reports, attendance records and staff contact details.

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Admissions Overview

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Pupils walking across the Wellington quad
Admissions Overview
Aerial view of college

Admissions Process


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